Diziana®: Zendesk's recommended and authorized Help Center (Guide) Design, Theming & Implementation Partner

About Diziana

Diziana is Zendesk authorized Help Center (Guide) Design, Theming and Implementation Partner. Diziana is also highly recommended by Zendesk.

Diziana is leader in providing ready-to-use custom Zendesk Help Center Themes & Plugins; and Branding and Advanced Customization Services for Zendesk Self Service Help Centers. Over the years, Diziana has helped hundreds of organisations and businesses. 

Diziana is on mission to take Self Service Customer Support to another level (beyond next). Diziana wants to be pioneer in shaping Customer Support Experience in years to come.

Diziana has streamlined the process of getting a fantastic Zendesk Help Center online as quickly as possible. We have incorporated the best and most progressive Help Center designs available anywhere. We continually create new designs, keeping a close eye on the latest market trends.

With Diziana, you select the theme that best represents your company. We can also modify (brand or customize) a theme to fit your requirements and integrate it directly into your new or existing Zendesk Help Center.